

Custom Non-Standard Pins & Standard Q235 35# Steel 45# Steel Pin -By Corlee

Pins are mainly used to determine the mutual positions between parts and can transmit small loads. They can also be used for connecting shafts, hubs, or other parts.
According to the different purposes of Pins, there are generally positioning pins, connecting pins, & safety pins. According to the structural forms of the pin, there are cylindrical pins, conical pins, pins, pin shafts, and split pins.
custom pins

The materials used for Pins are generally Q235, 35 steel, and 45 steel (the split pin is made of low-carbon steel), with an allowable stress of [T]=80MPa, and combined with extrusion stress[ σ.] The extrusion stress is the same as that of the key connection.

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The cylindrical pin is fixed in the pin hole by a small amount of interference, so it is not advisable to disassemble it frequently, otherwise it will reduce the positioning accuracy and connection reliability. he tapered pin has a 1:50 taper, and its small end diameter is the standard value.

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Conical pins are easy to install, have reliable self-locking performance, have higher positioning accuracy than cylindrical pins, and undergo multiple assembly and disassembly in the same pin hole without affecting positioning accuracy and connection reliability, so they are widely used. The pin holes of cylindrical and conical pins generally need to be hinged.

In our factory, Chengshuo hardware team not only can make standard pins for your parts mating needs, also can custom non standard pin for your new design needed.

Post time: May-07-2024